The Green House Cottages
Of Southern Hills
A Rehabilitation and Long Term Care Community
Are you looking for a nursing home around Rison, Arkansas, that actually feels like home? The Green House Cottage movement found at Southern Hills has transformed long-term care in Arkansas.
“The Green House concept is the most comprehensive effort to reinvent the nursing home.” – The New York Times
“The Green House Project reinvents Long-Term Eldercare.” – The Huffington Post
“Green Houses are nothing less than a Revolution.” – The Wallstreet Journal
Welcome to The Green House Cottages of Southern Hills in Rison, Arkansas
Southern Hills has set itself apart from other nursing homes in Rison, Arkansas. Southern Hills features seven Green House Cottages that each have 12 private rooms and bathrooms. The Green House cottage model is founded on dignity and choice. Green House Cottages eliminate the institutionalized feeling of traditional nursing homes and replace it with care, compassion, and freedom of choice. Southern Hills Green House Cottages feel, look, sound, and smell – just like home.
How Southern Hills is Different
Southern Hills is a completely different experience when compared to traditional nursing homes in Rison, Arkansas.
Southern Hills gives every elder:
Superior Direct Care
Elders receive a much higher staff to elder ratio than typically found in traditional nursing homes.
Privacy & Dignity
The Green House cottage environment is designed for a maximum of 12 elders living in their own home with private rooms, bathroom and showers.
Southern Hills believes in a philosophy of holistic care rooted in meaningful relationships and a deep knowledge of each elder and their unique individual needs.
Certified Training
Staff is trained with a minimum of 120 hours of education in areas such as nutrition, senior care, and dementia.
Superior Technology
State of the art and up to date technology ensures every elder lives with homelike comfort.
The Green House Cottages of Southern Hills in Rison, Arkansas are loving homes where Elders are supported by quality care, choice, and meaningful relationships. At Southern Hills, the schedule of every elder is decided by the elder. We are guests in their home.